#W610B Landscape Elements: Color Sketches, 4 Weeks, Tuesdays, April 29 – May 20, 1:00 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Gary Maria

9 in stock

SKU: 210000016427 Category:


Learn to paint landscape works from photographs that include buildings, mountains, and trees as a preliminary study or sketch. Block-in the composition, use gray scale tones, perspective effects, and sketching techniques in any painting medium. Subject matter will vary. All levels welcome.

Supply List:

Note about watercolor paints:
For non-professional use, there are several manufacturers of “student grade” watercolors, all of which work well. Grumbacher Academy series; Winsor & Newton London series; also Cotman series; or Martin F. Weber Company Permalba series. Labels change often. Recommended colors include: Naples Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre; Cadmium Orange; Light Red English, Cadmium Red Medium; Alizarin Crimson; Cobalt Violet/Thio Violet; Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue; Chromium Oxide Green, Viridian; Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna; Lamp Black/Ivory Black; Chinese White (optional). (To convert watercolor into acrylic, add a few drops of acrylic gloss medium to your watercolor mixtures; then your layers will not lift or become damaged by water.)
The bare essentials for painting: Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Raw Sienna, Mars Black/Ivory Black..
Note about acrylic paints:
Liquetex Heavy or Soft Body 2 oz. Tubed Acrylics: available individually or as a set.
Suggested sets:
1 Liquetex Complete Classic Studio Acrylic Set includes: Burnt Sienna, Napthol Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Yellow Medium Azo, Yellow Oxide, Phthalo Green, Titanium White and Ivory Black.
1 Liquetex Designer Soft Body Tube Set includes: Quinacridone Crimson, Cadmium Yellow Medium Hue, Phthalo Green, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White and Ivory Black.
1 Liquitex Primary Colors Mixing Set #103202 2 US fl.oz. (Acra Crimson, Yellow Light Hansa, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White.)
1 Liquitex Primary Colors Mixing Set #103203 2 US fl.oz. (Above colors + transparent Titanium White and Ivory Black.)
The bare essentials for painting: Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Medium, Phthalo Blue, Phthalo Green, Raw Sienna, Mars Black/Ivory Black, Titanium White.
Other brands of acrylic paints are also suitable. Heavy body paint is especially suitable for impasto effects (textured, raised strokes or palette knife painting).
Acrylic brushes work best. Flats ½”-1 ½ ”. Rounds #4, #6, #10. 1” and 2” cheap Chinese bristle brushes from hardware stores also work well. Loew Cornell White Nylon multi-purpose brush set: # 656 or # 2046 or #2115 work well
At least 3 brushes: ¼” Nylon filbert, ½” Nylon Bright, and #10 Nylon Round.
A covered plastic palette is ideal. Any flat container with a lid will work.
Canson or Loew-Cornell disposable paper palette 9”X12” approx. or roll of waxed paper. Alternatively, disposable Styrofoam dinner plates work well.
Drafting Tape………To tape your paper to the board. Masking tape is an alternative.
1 cold press Canson or Jack Richeson or Strathmore watercolor paper pad, 90 lb.
9”X 12”
Canson, Frederix, or Strathmore canvassette (imitation canvas paper) pad 9” X 12”.This is the most logical choice if painting with acrylics.