#W507B Portrait Drawing: Black Media, 4 Weeks, March 17 – April 7, Mondays, 1:00 -3:30PM


Instructor: Gary Maria

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The class will pursue drawing approaches for portraiture, and will include drawing instruction and lecture with an emphasis on academic handling and technique. Media include graphite and charcoal. Drawing from instructor
supplied photographs to achieve form, likeness, and proportion will challenge students. Drawing skills required.


#2 Yellow pencil or a pen for taking notes. / A notebook, or loose sheets of 8 ½”X11” paper.


(Begin with graphite pencils only: buy charcoal or charcoal pencils later if you want to try either medium.)

Charcoal………….. Sticks of vine charcoal: hard and medium.

Charcoal Pencils…. General’s HB, 2B. #557-6A Packaged set includes four degrees plus a white, and a sharpener).

Drafting Tape………To tape your paper to the board. Masking tape is an alternative.

Drawing Board…….Prestwood or Masonite ¼” thick, 16”X18” or any convenient size.

Eraser…………….. Kneaded eraser. It is good for large areas and can be molded to a point.

Paper……………….Use a fairly smooth paper that is responsive to the touch; avoid a rough textured paper as it hinders your stroke. Either Strathmore 300 or 400 Series Drawing premium recycled pads 11” X 14” or 14”X 17” (for more space) are both good general purpose papers for pencil or charcoal.

Paper stomp………..Use to blend values and soften tones.

Pencils……………. Use a pencil that writes easily, is soft and has a slight drag: A #2 yellow writing pencil works very well with limited values. General’s HB or 2B; Wolfe’s BB or BBB.pencils; Eberhard Faber Ebony pencil 632 Jet Black and Extra Smooth gives a range of values.

Sandpaper pad…….Use to sand vine charcoal or clean up paper stomps.

Sharpener….…….. A small standard pencil sharpener or single edge razor blades to chisel the point.