#W504B Starting from Scratch: Drawing 101, 4 Weeks, Tuesdays, March 11 – April 1, 1:00 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Linda Larisch

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SKU: 210000016296 Category:


This is a good place for the budding artist to start or refresh. The biggest challenge is learning how to “see” and how to render three dimensions onto a two
dimensional surface. Learn basic concepts such as value, shading, composition, proportion and perspective. Simple tools are pencils, paper, and eraser, but ask for a supply list.

Supply List for Basic Drawing – Starting from Scratch with Linda Larisch
• A pad of drawing paper – 11”x14” or larger, a pad of sturdy, white drawing paper at least 80lb. Strathmore brand is good.
• Pencils – I recommend getting a set of 12 drawing pencils with graded degrees of hardness. Staedtler , (Mars Lumograph) is a good basic brand not too expensive to get you started.
• A soft rubber eraser- usually pink or white
• Eraser stick- an eraser made like a pencil so it can be sharpened to a point, usually the eraser is pink
• Eraser Pencil- similar to the eraser stick but a typewriter, white, eraser in pencil form with a little brush at the end. The only place I have f