#S604A Oil/Acrylic Painting Fundamentals, 2 Day Mini-Session, Mondays, June 10 & 17, 9:30 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Susan Wilcox

17 in stock

SKU: 210000013800 Category:


All subjects and skill levels are welcome. A morning and afternoon demonstration will be done. Individualized instruction and critiques are included in this two day
mini-session. Photo references will be used. Paint in oil or acrylic.

Oil painting supply list – Susan Wilcox

1. Paints – I like Windsor Newton. You can use other brands as long as they are professional, not student grade.

Burnt sienna, alizarin crimson, cadmium red, cadmium orange, raw sienna, cadmium yellow pale, cadmium yellow, yellow ochre, cobalt blue, ultramarine blue, cerulean blue, viridian, cadmium green pale, dioxazine purple, titanium white.

If you have oil paints already just bring what you have to use.

2. Brushes – brisle fibrets, size 2,6,8, or flats in the same size and a palette knife.
3. Palette and mediums – a large palette with room to mix, a container for medium which is one-part stand oil to 2 parts odorless mineral spirits and paper towels.
4. Canvas or panels of our preferred size.

Objectives for the class:
How to begin: idea, drawing, composition and underpainting.
Keeping the paint fresh and achieving value differentiation.
Making an interesting statement using references for ideas.
Have Fun!