#W714A Portrait Painting: Watercolor, 4 Weeks, Mondays, February 3 – March 10, (No Class 2/17 or 3/3) 1:00 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Gary Maria

7 in stock

SKU: 210000016509 Category:


Experience the possibilities for painting portraits using pencil with watercolor. Create expressive, graphic works using brush, hatched line, and wash. We will experiment with various looks and techniques using tracings of photographic reference of models. Flesh tone mixing, color theory, and painting instruction will develop your skills. All levels welcome.


Pencil…………………….A yellow #2 writing pencil works very well with limited values.
Eraser…………….. Kneaded eraser. It is good for large areas and can be molded to a point.

Note about watercolor paints: if you do not own watercolors, you might want to begin with very few colors. If you have no painting experience, purchase student grade block watercolors in trays rather than in tubes.
For non-professional use, there are several manufacturers of “student grade” watercolors in tubes, all of which work well enough: Grumbacher Academy series; Winsor & Newton London series; also Cotman series; or Martin F. Weber Company Permalba series. Labels change often.
Recommended colors include: Naples Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre; Cadmium Orange; Light Red English, Cadmium Red Medium; Alizarin Crimson; Cobalt Violet/Thio Violet; Cerulean Blue, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue; Chromium Oxide Green, Viridian; Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna; Lamp Black/Ivory Black; Chinese White (optional).

1 cold press Canson or Jack Richeson or Strathmore watercolor paper pad, 90 lb. 9”X 12”.
1 Strathmore Series 400 Heavyweight Drawing Paper Pad 100lb. 9” X 12”.

Drafting Tape………To tape your paper to the board. Masking tape is an alternative.

Brushes: Do not use bristle brushes made for oil or acrylic painting. Watercolor or White Nylon brushes work best. Flats ½”-1 ½ ”. Rounds #4, #6, #10. 1” and 2” cheap Chinese bristle brushes from hardware stores also work well for large washes.. Loew Cornell White Nylon multi-purpose brush set: # 656 or # 2046 or #2115 work well
At least 3 brushes: ¼” Nylon filbert, ½” Nylon Bright, and #10 Nylon Round.