#W614B, Oil Portraits, 6 Weeks, Thursdays, February 27 – April 10,(No Class 3/13) 1:00 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Laura Pommier

6 in stock

SKU: 210000016441 Category:


A class for everyone who has ever wanted to learn to paint faces. My step-by-step method makes portraits fun and easy! Focus is on values, planes and mass. And let’s take the mystery out of paint mixing! Photo references are provided though students are welcome to work on individual projects.

Supply List:

Oil Paint:
Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow Light Cadmium Red Light
Alizarin Crimson
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Umber
Naples Yellow

11 x 14 Canvas

Paint Palette

Suggested Flat Bristle Brushes: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Round Bristle Brushes: 0, 1, 2

Oderless Mineral Spirits

Linseed Oil

Paper Towels