#W607C Just Paint! Exploring Acrylics, 4 Weeks, Wednesdays, March 12 – April 9, (No Class 3/19) 1:00 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Linda Larisch

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SKU: 210000016420 Category:


For the beginner, we will introduce you to the acrylic paint medium, methods of mixing color, applying paint, use of var- ious acrylic mediums while completing several different style finished pieces to familiarize you with this versatile medium. We will also talk about composition, proportion, value and other basic concepts important for any finished piece. For someone who already has experience using acrylics bring your own reference materials, sketches/photos/ideas and just paint. This instructor will offer suggestions and guidance to complete your work.

Supply List:

If you already have some acrylic paints and brushes, bring them. Check the list below and purchase where needed. We will start with the very basic supplies and you can add to them later if desired.
I suggest Liquitex or Golden Professional Acrylic paints in 2oz. tubes: these are the bare minimum colors to start: Red, yellow and blue, they are the primary colors and also white and black. You are welcome to get any other colors that that you like or a small starter set. Although student grade paints are less expensive the professional quality paints contain more pigment go further and give better results.
Cadmium Yellow (hue) medium, Naphthol Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White and Carbon Black (Or you can try the “new” RBG primary colors instead. They produce more vibrant mixes. They are Primary Magenta, Primary Cyan and Primary Yellow (or Cadmium Yellow Medium.)
We will discuss and demo other acrylic mediums and their uses
Brushes: • Some Flat acrylic brushes 1⁄4” to 1 1⁄2” or wider • a small (not tiny) and a large round acrylic brush,
• Palette: You can purchase a “stay wet” type of palette. It has a cover and some sort of moisture pad and palette paper that you can purchase, or you can get the “stay-wet “ palette and use a sponge and your own version of a palette (tin foil or wax paper taped to a piece of board). This is less costly. For even less you can use a foil pie pan or paper plates with a small sponge and tin foil as a cover. Other items you will need:
• Several smallish primed canvases (12”x12” or slightly larger} available in packs at Michael’s for great discount prices
• 9”x12” or larger, Acrylic Paper 246lb pad or Watercolor paper (cold Press) 140lb pad. Strathmore or similar brand
• Soft Vine Charcoal sticks (optional)
• Water container
• Paper towels