#W120A, Sea Life with Collagraph, 4 Weeks, Fridays, March 14-April 4, 9:30 – 12:00PM


Instructor: Rosa Valladares

8 in stock

SKU: 210000016004 Category:


In this class, you will practice the use of pliable materials and matt board, similar to the process of monotypes, but this time adding the experience of using a printing press. Develop scenarios of sea life and creatures that are part of our beautiful beaches. In each class, you will develop a plate using matt board, paint it and print it on paper. The plate will allow you to make as many prints as you would like!

Sea Life with Collagraph Supply List
Two matt boards or cardboard, 8 x 11”
Any type of paper to use for collages (better if they have different textures such as rough, soft, granulated, etc)
Elmer’s white glue and a brush to spread it
Ribbons of all types and kinds
Masking tape
Cutting knife