#W115C, Paint a Wine Glass 1/2 Day Mini -Session, Thursday, March 13, 6:00 – 8:30PM


Instructor: Frances Smith

9 in stock

SKU: 210000015984 Category:


A great way to feature a special subject on a wine glass. It can be any subject: animals, sea life and shells, flowers or your own creation. Use enamel acrylics to paint on the wineglass in class and fire
your creation in your own oven afterwards.

Supply List: FOLKART muti-surface enamel paints (2oz size – available on Amazon or Walmart), a few permanent MICRON drawing pens (sizes .01, .03), pencil, white eraser, scotch tape, wine glasses (check Goodwill or HomeGoods), a variety of brushes, small to medium, including round shaped