#807B Palette Knife Realism, SELF EXPRESSION, 3 Day Workshop, April 9, 10 & 11, 9:30 – 3:30PM


Instructor: Karen Weihs

12 in stock

SKU: 210000015064 Category:


Students will learn various techniques on how to manipulate palette knives and make a great variety of marks that describe realism without big detail. Information will be shared on paint manipulation/brushwork. Each morning there will be demos and in the afternoon I will spend time with each student helping them through the process. Beginners to advanced students can participate in this workshop.

Supply List:
For the palette knife technique:
I order my supplies from Dick Blick, sometimes on Amazon.
I do have a registered supply list on dickblick.com
and you can select out of those listed what you want. I teach several
approaches of using a very limited palette choice of oil paints to learn
palette knife techniques and abstraction techniques. Note: I use mostly
Cobra which is water based made but mix with regular brand oils as well.
It’s a game changer Product that plays well with regular oils and cleans up
with water, so no solvents needed. You may choose the options of “limited
palette” teaching options here:
If you choose to Buy only these 10 tube colors, it will make vast ranges of
great color. This is what I use all the time.
Cadmium Red by Rembrandt or Carmine as it’s named by Cobra
Transparent Red Oxide by Cobra (please buy this, (it’s a must color)
Ultramarine Blue by Cobra
Cobalt Blue by Cobra
Portland Gray warm by Gamblin (for sky)
Titanium White by Rembrandt or Cobra
Primary Yellow by Cobra
Cad Yellow Lemon by Gamblin or Cobra
Indian Yellow by Cobra
Magenta by Cobra
Options. This is my Van Gogh expanded color palette:
Phthalo Green by Cobra
Phthalo Blue by Cobra
Ultramarine Blue by Rembrandt or Cobra
Cobalt Blue by Cobra
Manganese Blue by Rembrandt
Transparent Oxide Red by Cobra
Carmine Red and Cadmium Red Medium by Cobra
Cadmium Yellow Lemon & Cad Yellow Medium by Gamblin
Cadmium Orange by Rembrandt or Cobra
Burnt Sienna by Rembrandt
Quinacridone Magenta by Gamblin or Cobra
Indian Yellow by Cobra
Zinc White AND Titanium White.Each white has different strengths
+One tube of fast drying medium for oils. I use either Lean Medium by
Archival brand or Liquin brand gel paste that is a great addition to
oils. Gamblin makes one too. Cobra makes a fast drying medium that
you mix half and half with water upon opening.
I love the Royal Talens brand (Rembrandt and Cobra) and they will
often gift to me/teachers oil paints to share with you.
The Rembrandt and Gamblin brands are wonderfully creamy for brush
and palette knife, that is why I choose Rembrandt, Cobra and Gamblin
brand, anddc. I will demo these colors with palette knife techniques
and have you follow my lead. Beware of other brands with palette
knife skill work. Some are stiff and undependable for palette Knife
Optional to purchase…The Gamblin oil brand radiants are:
1.Radiant pink
2.Radiant blue
3.Radiant violet
4.Radiant turquoise
Cotton canvases, mid sized, maybe 4. Or 5. 14×18 or larger to practice
with Palette Knife Painting. 20×20 or 16×20, or 24×24 are good sizes to
+One Grey Matters paper palette pad for mixing your colors on this
disposable paper tablet. (Please don’t forget this as you need a lot paper
palettes for mixing Colors, as I don’t bring enough to share multiples with
everyone). These sheets of paper palettes are tossed out when used up.
Fab product. Amazon has it. I do use an enamel butcher tray I bought at
Michaels’s. It is great for the water mixable oils as it has a dips on edges
like a trench for The water.
+Paper Towels and Baby Wipes, a few little Dixie cups for water or
Paper and pencil(s) with a sketchbook, optional, or if you have black or
grey tones magic markers for preliminary sketch. Ink-tense brand pens and
pencils, a few charcoal sticks, some regular drawing pencils you have on
hand. I have a lot of water-soluble colored pencils to share or bring what
you have on hand. I love the Woodies water-soluble pencil set on Amazon.
Doodles in sketchbook are great way to get your thoughts together. And to
make notes.
Coconut oil in a jar from the grocery store to coat our hands before
painting and to clean hands after painting.
Murphys Oil Soap for washing paint out of anything like brushes, leather,
clothes, skin.
+Palette Knives to Buy, the two I like for painting:
1. Liquitex Brand large Palette Knife, #11, get 1. The #11 is about 3″ and
looks like a pie/cake server, is offset so your knuckles don’t scrape into the
canvas and has round edges.
2. Liquitex small Freestyle. The Liquitex small Freestyle is a faster on
learning tricks of the trade. Bring any brushes you may have on hand like a
flat synthetic one. A 1/4 inch -1/2 inch flat one is fine. If you are looking to
buy some new brushes, try buying a set of Mundy Mops from Rosemary
and Company, or Princeton brand synthetics. I always have lots of
brushes on hand to use, so not necessary.
I do send a document of notes later to you for your memory.
Palette Knife work is an acquired touch.
Karen Weihs
[email protected]